Thursday, December 17, 2009

The POWER of Service

T0day I was able to spend some time with Dad.
My heart was filled...
It was a wonderful opportunity to serve him and be with him for the day. I loved every minute. Dad has always been willing to help in any capacity when I have been in need. It was the best experience being able to be there for him. Thanks for allowing me to help Dad. I LOVE my time with you!
The day didn't go without any jokes... then again I was with Dad. He had quite a few I.V.'s going today and the nurse had to bring in an extra pump, so there were 5 pumps on this one I.V. pole. While the nurse was hooking him up he joked with her.
Dad: "You know it is going to be sad when my obituary reads 'Man killed within days of recovering from Leukemia by an I.V pole that fell on him.' "
The nurses face was priceless. She was great at giving him a laugh or two of her own. I'm so glad that today was one for optimism. Thanks for being a good sport dad!

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