Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Christmas Eve!

When I saw Dad on Wednesday he seemed to be doing so much better. He still gets tired easily, but his daily duties didn't seem quite so taxing. This is only from an outsiders perspective, I can't imagine all the emotional, and physical stresses he has to deal with. I love ya dad!

A big THANKS to those involved in bringing the holidays to dad with a cute tree, lights, and wonderful saying. (I'm guessing Jenny and Mom were involved...mickey...frogs... 'nuf said)

These are the "tighty whiteys" I was talking about a few posts back. They are still very tight, but as you can see by the creases in them, they have relieved his swelling by a small margin.

They have a long way to go before they reach Dad's usual chicken legs. No offense Dad, but I know you don't usually sport Kankles. (snicker, chuckle, LOL!)

I loved spending time with Dad. We took a couple walks, had lunch, and he really loved talking about photography. I love hearing him talk about things he is really passionate about. It's both cute and intriguing. Thanks for all the great tips Dad!

Dad found a chair that he can get in and out of easily. Yay! I did succeed in catapulting him once while trying to get him out of the lying position. Sorry dad for the whiplash :]

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