Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Breathing problems

Yesterday was kind of scary for dad. He received some more blood followed by a bag of platelets. About twenty minutes following the platelets, Dad said he had a tickle in his throat, causing him to cough. He was having a very difficult time breathing. After trying to control his shortness of breath, Dad finally asked Heidi and I to go get the nurses for some help. They came and gave him an oral medication - Atavan - and the respiratory therapist administered a breathing treatment. Following both of these, dad was finally able to catch his breath...thus relieving both his asthmatic and anxiety tendencies. We thought for sure he was going to want a nap after all that. Instead, he asked for a wheel chair so he could see some different walls. Heidi and I wheeled him around the fifth floor while one of his nurses changed his bedding. We then gave him with a sponge bath using some warmed-up, aloe-smothered, wet wipes. It's amazing how much he appreciated such a simple bath! After easing him into his cleaned chair, Heidi and I applied lotion, lotion, and more lotion to his swollen, painful, dry, itchy ankles. If he were a cat, we would have been able to hear him purr. He was wiped out after such an exciting afternoon so Heidi and I left so he could rest. Good night dad!! We love you!

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