Monday, December 14, 2009

Here is how the process went in MY EYES. It might not be 100% accurate but it will give you an idea of what I saw and how it happened to day by day.
Dad was not feeling well and had an appointment with Doug Andrus trucking to discuss his job.

Dad went to the DR in Rigby to see why he wasn't feeling well. They took a blood sample and said they thought they had a bad sample and had to take another one. After taking another blood sample, BOTH doctors at the clinic came in to the room and said they had called a specialist in Rexburg to ask for advice on what they thought it might be. The doctors were going to give dad a steroid shot and the specialist said absolutely NO. They decided to give him an antibiotic and have him come back in a couple days to check his progress. Tuesday afternoon, after hearing how bad he was doing, I insisted that dad stay with somebody and that my house would be just fine. He reluctantly agreed but was happy when he got here and settled in.

Dad did a lot of relaxing, tried to stay put and get rest and was completely miserable. He tossed and turned in the recliner, he tried the bed, he was sore, achy, tired, nauseated and just plain miserable. His leg was so sore that he could barely hobble to the bathroom or bedroom or back to the chair. He drank coke or water or whatever he could to settle his stomach and tried to stop the queasy stomach. After an agonizing day of tossing and turning, fidgeting, sleeping, aching, snoring and more he decided to try and shower. That was a good and bad thing. He could barely step over the 2 inch threshold in our master bathroom because his leg hurt so bad. He wanted it to be a little warmer and grabbed the handle to add some warmth and I forgot to tell him that the handle just needs little nudges and not full swings to adjust the water even a little. He moved faster out of that scalding water than I had seen him move all day. ( I AM SORRY DAD) After showering and lighting up his red spots all over his body again, he decided to try and get some rest.

Mom took dad back to the Doctors in Rigby to redo his labs and see if there was any improvements. They took more blood samples and also took a bone marrow aspiration (Which is a huge needle into the hip that pulls out a marrow sample) He was told that the results were not any better and had actually gotten worse. They sent the marrow sample to Bozeman MT to have examined.

Mom took dad out to his house to get more clothes, check on the cats, get out of the house for a little sunshine and to just spend time with mom. After the results came back from the lab, dad came right home, took a shower and got ready to head to the hospital. After being admitted to EIRMC they took him right into surgery and put the port into his chest. They got him an executive sweet (HA HA) and gave him his first dose of chemotherapy.

Katie had driven up the night before and was spending time with dad at the hospital. Mom was also there too. They were pumping him full of fluids preparing him for the next full week of chemotherapy. This was the first time I took the camera into his room and where the first set of pictures came from. Mom has been by his side from the beginning. Also, he was having a tough time breathing because they were pumping him so full of fluids, he would lay down and feel a ton of pressure on his chest.

Dad was doing much better after getting his first dose of GOOD blood. His first transfusion went well and his second transfusion was aborted because he was too bloated. He was sitting up by himself, teasing mom more, just acting more like dad. This was a good thing to see but wouldn't last long.

I got to the hospital about 4:30 and dad was not looking good. He was pale, had a temp of 99.6 and was just totally different from yesterday. He was chilled and was shivering badly, then would get warm and take the blankets off and was cold again. He is a pro now at going to the bathroom by himself because he went like 3 times in a 2 hour period. His sugars were high today, they were 290, then 187 and who knows what they were when he went to bed. (They should be approx 100 or so to be average) Dad wanted to work on his laptop and Doug tried to get it working a couple hours earlier. When I got there it wasn't working and I also tried to get someone to help get it working. Technical support said the only place to get a good signal in the hospital was in the lobby so we quit trying to get Internet service in his room. Dad really wanted to watch a movie so we started "Night at the museum, battle of the Smithsonian" With the many nurse interruptions and bathroom breaks, dad was just too tired to finish it so we shut it off and he went to sleep.

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