Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winning... But Still A Battle

Yesterday when I went in, He and Jenny were both reading the paper. So Cute!
Dad has been doing better, but his body is playing catch-up. He was EXTREMELY tired from a bad night. All He wanted to do was sleep. The physical therapy trainers came to help him move and do some exercises with his legs. He hasn't been able to walk for almost a week now, but is trying to become mobile. He is doing good pushing through the pain. Dad was a good sport with all the nurses coming in for the next couple of hours, then came the lasiks. FINALLY after some great lunch brought by Doug, he was able to catch some shut-eye for about an hour.
Dad says he is tired of whining, but I think he has been great at enduring it well. He really doesn't complain other than a couple of winces from the pain in his legs. He still has a sense of humor, and has been very patient. You're doing great Dad, keep up the good work.

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