Saturday, January 9, 2010

Not For the Faint of Heart!

Friday night I was able to be there when the Orthopedist came to drain Dad's knee. I think Dad knew what to expect and was relieved. (He's had his knee drained years previously and can remember the relief it brings)
Dad's had a swollen knee for about a week now. It's been extremely painful for him to put pressure on it which makes it excruciating to stand on. Do remember that he has been on Lasiks also which makes him us the restroom much more than normal.
The doctor is cleaning the area with Beta dine.
Above, the doctor is numbing the area with a local anaesthesia.
When the doctor pulled out the needle from the anaesthesia, Dad's knee squirted fluid from the opening. Talk about pressure! You can see it shot a good distance on his bed. Man, I LOVE this stuff!

This needle was about the size of a coffee straw. Yipes! The fluid on his knee is fairly thick like honey.
You can see in this picture just how swollen his knee is. There is a good lump just above his knee cap. As the doctor was taking fluid I could see the swelling go down.
The doctor is un-screwing this syringe because it is full. When he pulled it away with the needle still in dad's knee, the fluid was still oozing. This was so intriguing!
I had to hold up the camera above my head and hope the picture turned out good. It was hard to take pictures because the doctor was really tall and he raised the bed to about my chest. Most of the pictures didn't turn out.
When the doctor thought he was getting to the end, he massaged around to make sure there was no more fluid left inside.
The doctor explained that 50 cc of fluid is a large amount.
There was 120 cc taken from dad's knee. Wow! I think that would be considered XXXXXXL!
The doctor held on the gauze for a while because of the large needle. He was very good to Dad, and had a great bed-side manner.
Dad I've really enjoyed our time together this week! I love you!

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