Monday, January 4, 2010

Catching Up

His infection from his ankle mad a sore on his joint by the big toe.
Back when he could sit in his chair.

Brushing his teeth.

These pictures are from a few days ago. I thought I'd still post them so we didn't miss anything. Today I was able to be with Dad for most of the day. When I got there he just wanted to rest. He was so exhausted and wanted to sleep. He was able to get about a half hour of shut eye before the nurse came in again for vitals. After that he was up and talking good for about 2 1/2 hours. Nick came up (great timing!!!) to visit during lunch and was able to get Dad into the wheelchair. What a workout for him! Whew! I'm glad it was him ;] Rodney and Virginia Parsons came to see him for a minute then we sauntered down a couple of halls. Nick was able to help him back to bed before returning to work. THANKS NICK! He was given lasiks again. I think we should slip some lasiks into the DR's drink next time he visits for a sample of his own medicine. There is only one time I thought it was funny. After being up and out of bed he was extremely tired. He fell asleep for about 10 minutes before he woke up with a start and scrambled to get to his side. He grabbed his carton and filled it half full... it had to be at least a half a liter. Good job Dad. It was only cute because it reminded me of Annabelle waiting 'till the last second then doing a jiggidy jig while pulling down her pants. I love ya Dad. Our prayers are with you. Have a wonderful night.

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